In searching for home based job/business leads, I look at Adsense ads in blogs and check it out. I directly click on ads in other sites but never on my own site (since I am not allowed to do that). However, you, my dear readers may do so.

I am writing this post upon realizing that people are actually clicking on ads in this site. Before, I didn't pay much attention to clicks in this site but when I closely scrutinized where my adsense income is coming from, I realized that readers of this blog are actually checking on my adsense.

Good for both of us, actually. With that, I promise to keep on posting opportunities so that people will keep on coming to this site.



Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Black_Mamba said...

Good for you. I'm considering taking it all off. My adsense revenues can't even afford me a tube of lipgloss LOL......... Bahala na :)

Anonymous said...

It happened to me on my first 6 months of blogging. Keep the faith and keep writing. As your traffic grows, the clicks will increase.

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