Necessary Pleasures

I need my monthly detox treatment very badly. A lot of companies in various industries outsource their marketing services to home based online marketing people. I did such work for a few years and was reasonably paid for doing it. However, despite of the generally stress free environment offered by our own homes, most of us hard working people are also generally subjected to stress. Because of that, the need for us to de stress and/or detox is very high. In order to get my quota of good detox, I usually pass by my favorite spa after claiming my remittance from Western Union.


long skirts are very popular once more. I once thought that this type of fashion had been reserved for church services, conservative offices or the religious. However, with so many popular celebrities starting to be glamorously photographed in long skirts, a lot of people had started to jump into the bandwagon. I have always silently enjoyed the view of short skirted women passing by but now, I also welcome the beautiful long skirts as a refreshing breather from the short and very skimpy skirts.

Home Based Manufacturing

Passing by a website selling mini led christmas lights, I am reminded that a lot of these items are also being done home based. I was told that in Taiwan, contractors deliver to households wires that are then braided to become part of the lights that we use. Afterwards, the contractors (exporters) retrieve the braided wires and pay the households. Another group then installs the lights and does Quality Control checks. The finished product is then boxed and exported worldwide.

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